Studies lepidot. insects 145

Studies lepidot. insects 145

Lepidoptera – Schmetterlinge Studies on systematics of lepidopterous insects of the fauna of the USSR. USSR Academy of Sciences, 1986. 120 p., numerous illustr. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute, Vol. 145,

In Russian. Contents: Kusnetzov, V.I. / Stekolnikov, A.A. Morphology of the male genitalia of Zenophassus schamyl Chr. (Lep., Hepialidae) and evolution of the phallic musculature in Hepialomorpha. Kusnetzov, V.I. A review on the leaf-rollers of the genus Zeiraphera Tr. (Lep. Tortricidae) from the fauna of the USSR. Sinev, S.Y. A review of blastobasid-moths (Lep. Blastobasidae) in the fauna of the USSR. Lvovsky A.L. A review of the broad-winged moths (Lep. Oecophoridae) of the Far East USSR. Omelko, M.M. Moths of the genus Gelechia Hb. (Lep. Gelechiidae) from the Primorye Territory. Ivinskis, P.P.A. A review of the pyralid moths of the genus Epischnia Hübner, 1825 (Lep. Phycitidae) of the fauna of the USSR.

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