Bement The American Poulterer’s Companion. A Practical Treatise on the Breeding,…

Bement The American Poulterer's Companion. A Practical Treatise on the Breeding,

Stubenvögel-, Geflügel-, und Taubenliteratur The American Poulterer’s Companion. A Practical Treatise on the Breeding, Rearing and General Managment of Various Species of Domestic Poultry. Illustrated with portraits of fowls, mostly taken from life; Ppoultry houses, coops, nests, feeding hoppers. etc. A new edition enlarged and improved by C.N. Bement. 1871. XVI. 294 pp., 120 illustrations Goldgepr. Leinen. Einband leicht berieben und bestossen, innen sauber ohne Stockflecken und ohne Anstreichungen. Insgesamt ein gutes Ex.

EUR 124,-- 
