Lepidoptera – Schmetterlinge
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Lepidoptera – Schmetterlinge Freeman, T.N. Needle-Mining Lepidoptera of Pine in North America. Runge Press. Ottawa. 1961. Gr.8°. 51 pages. 70 fig. Paperback. Sep. The Candian Entomologist, Suppl. 16 / Vol. XCII, 1960. | 12,-- | ||
Lepidoptera – Schmetterlinge Freeman, T.N. / Stehr, G. / Harvey, G.T. / Campbell, I.M. / Harvey, G.T. On Coniferophagous Species of Choristoneura (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in North America. I. Some new forms of choristoneura allied to C. Fumiferana (Freeman). II. Geographic Distribution in Accordance with Forest Regions (Stehr). III. Some Characters of Immature Forms Helpful in the Identification of Species (Harvey/Stehr). IV. Sexual Isolation between Three Species (Campbell). V. Second Diapause as a Species Character (Harvey). VI. A summary of the Preceding Five Papers (Freeman/Stehr). 1967. pp. 449-506 with fig. and tab. Paperback. Repr. from The Canadian Entomologist, Vol. 99. | 12,-- | ||
Lepidoptera – Schmetterlinge Freiherr v. Hormuzaki, C. Beitrag zur Lepidopteren-Fauna von Ischl und Umgebung. Sonderdruck. Linz. 1918. 8°. 32 Seiten. Brosch. Widmung/Name auf Titelseite. Sdr. aus Jahresberichte d. Vereins für Naturkunde. Linz. | 13,-- | ||
Lepidoptera – Schmetterlinge Gäbler, Hellmuth. Die Nonne. Leipzig. Geest & Portig. 1952. 41 Seiten, 24 Abb. Schutzumschlag mit kleiner Läsur. Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei, 85. | 8,-- | ||
Lepidoptera – Schmetterlinge Gates Clarke, J.F. Microlepidoptera of Juan Fernandez Islands. Smithsonian Inst. Washington. 1965. 8°. Pp. 1-106. 111 linedrawings. 1 plate. Paperback. Proc. of the United States Nat. Mus. Smithsonian Inst. Nr. 3508, Vol. 117. | 12,-- | ||
Lepidoptera – Schmetterlinge Gates Clarke, J.F. Pyralidae and Microlepidoptera of the Marquesas Archipelago. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington. 1986. Gr.-8°. 485 pages. Numerous figures. Cased boards. | 32,-- | ||
Lepidoptera – Schmetterlinge Gerasimov, A. Zur Lepidopteren-Fauna Mittel-Asiens. I. Microheterocera aus dem Distrikt Kaschka-Darja (SO-Buchara). 1930. pp. 21-48. 10 Tafeln. Sep.: Annuaire du Musée Zoologique de l’Académie des Sciences de l’URSS. | 10,-- | ||
Lepidoptera – Schmetterlinge Gianelli, G. Microlepidotteri del Piemonte e principalmente della valle d’aosta con i bruchi nocivi alle derrate ed all’agricoltura, ed il nome delle sostanze di cui si nutrono. Vincenzo Bona. Torino. 1910. gr.-8°. 143 Seiten. Privatbindung (Kartoniert). Sdr. aus: Annali della R. Accademia di Agricoltura di Torino. Vol. LIII. | 48,-- | ||
Lepidoptera – Schmetterlinge Gozmány, L. The Microlepidoptera Coenoses of the Kisbalaton. Budapest. 1956. pp. 149-180. Sep.: Acta Zoologica Acad. Scient. Hungaricae. | 12,-- | ||
Lepidoptera – Schmetterlinge Gozmány, L.A. The Tineid Moths of the Royal Museum of Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium (Lepidoptera Tinaidae). Musee royal de l’Afrique Centrale. Tervuren. 1967. Gr.-8°. 100 pages with 98 fig. Paperback. Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika – Tervuren, Belgie Annalen – Reeks in-8° – Zoologiesche Wetenschappen – Nr. 157, 1967. | 22,-- | ||
Einträge 111–120 von 306